
With university entrance becoming increasingly competitive it’s clear that sixth form is more than ever becoming the educational make or break time. With a degree now far more of a common currency and the cost of a university education increasing it is even more important for students to ensure they aim to secure entry to good courses at respected institutions. RIC's Sixth Form in Kent is a nurturing sixth form where you’ll get the results you need but be looked after as a person as well. We’re a creatively-minded top British boarding school with a focus on university preparation - located just outside London. RIC is all about helping students unlock their full potential and fulfill those academic goals. Whether you're a budding mathematician, a future filmmaker or a next generation engineer, RIC's got your back
A stepping-stone between school and university, very small classes lead to a far more active involvement by students in their education and almost inevitably to excellent results. Our students achieve outstanding academic success within a non-pressurised environment. We have an unrivalled record of placing students at their first choice university. Classes are small, contact time is high, individual help is plentiful.
We are a non-selective sixth form, our students range from those working at an extremely high academic level, typically pushing the boundaries of their A level curriculum to those who might need more help and support than is usual in sixth form. Thanks to our partnerships with the Dukes Education higher education consultancies including The Medic Portal, The Lawyer Portal, A-List Applications (the UK's experts in US university admissions) and Oxbridge Applications we offer our students world-class support as they make their career choices, identify target universities and prepare for the next stage of their individual educational pathway.
Entry to selective school sixth forms depends upon GCSE grades. At RIC though we find GCSE results are not the best predictor of sixth form success and offer a more flexible approach. We do not have minimum GCSE grade requirements for starting A levels in particular subjects. It is not unusual for students joining us from other schools to start a two-year A level programme while resitting key GCSEs. Others choose to restart their sixth form studies after completing their first year elsewhere, or to transfer directly into our Year 13. One bad year doesn’t have to mean the end of higher education dreams.
You’ll be taught by specialist teachers who are experts in their fields. Every RIC student gets the support of a dedicated Director of Studies as a personal tutor ensuring students keep constant track of their own progress. Our expertise in advising students and guiding them through their university applications is unmatched.
As students develop their ideas, the tutor system also helps in other ways, notably with ensuring that each student is studying the correct subjects for their chosen career path and that they are achieving at a sufficiently high level.
The Director of Studies ensure students are properly supported and guided through the university application process. RIC has a great deal of expertise in preparing students for Oxbridge applications as well as for medical school and other highly competitive courses such as Dentistry, Vet Science, English and Law.
Students are guided through every aspect of their UCAS application. Students often seem to find filling out an application form for university even more daunting than their actual A levels. Extensive individual advice not only helps students to remember all the salient points they should be using to make the best application possible, it also can help them to be absolutely sure they are applying for a course they really want to do, rather than one they to which they have simply drifted into.
RIC tutors are also able to advise on preparing applications to North American universities and those in Europe as well as music, drama and art schools and GAP year programmes. We offer interview training and guidance for students who need to take additional entrance tests such as the LNAT for Law and the UCAT for medicine.
Students work around tables in lively, stimulating and productive groups. The average class size is 8.
Teaching is focussed on the demands of the examinations with regular testing and exam practice.
From personalised support to small class sizes, RIC's academic formula is designed to bring out the best in every student.
You’ll be free to choose the A levels that suit you rather than ticking subjects in option blocks. We liaise with admissions tutors closely, ensuring you choose the right combination of A levels and develop the strongest possible profile.
Perhaps what sets sixth form at RIC apart is that sense of freedom and independence. Here, you’ll have the freedom to explore, to change your mind and chart your own course.
There is no uniform, no petty rules, no assemblies and students and teachers are on first name terms. But don't let the laid-back atmosphere fool you; when it comes to academics, RIC means business.
We are in the top 2% of England for added value at A level meaning our students exceed their potential and are best placed to reach their goals.
RIC is one of the largest boarding school sixth forms in Kent and so it is easy to join and make new and interesting friends. Although most of our sixth form students are between 16-19, we also welcome more mature students who may be returning to education after a period of work or travel. We are registered to be able to accept students up to the age of 21.
Residential students at RIC are from all around the world but we also welcome weekly boarders from elsewhere in Kent and the UK. The atmosphere is more like a university halls of residence than a school. We don’t impose supervised prep for sixth formers and our single study bedrooms, many of which are en-suite, all have a whizzy high speed internet connection.
Whether you're into sports, drama, music, or something completely off the wall, RIC's sixth form has got you covered. Students benefit from what Ofsted describes as our students’, “outstanding spiritual, moral and cultural development.” They enjoy a colourful range of sports and clubs. They are served great school meals and help plan their own exciting events, parties and innovative trips. A level students also follow an enrichment programme including work experience and a series of university application guidance seminars. Students are encouraged to participate in extracurricular activities such as the Duke of Edinburgh Award. At RIC though non-academic activities in the sixth form are optional and students are free to make their own choices about what to take part in, it’s your choice, your direction that matters.
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School for me used to be a mixture of waking up early in the morning and trying to think of an excuse for why I should skip it. It used to be spending 8 hours in a building studying a bunch of things I really didn’t care about, and could not remember by the end of the day, then going home and avoiding as much work as I could. I spent 5 years at a traditional private school that tried too hard to be Eton and never succeeded. Believe me when I say making the switch to RIC genuinely changed my life. If you’re looking for somewhere where they will not only treat you like you are in university, a place where you can choose your own subjects which aren’t confined to blocks so you can create the A level course and experience you want and be surrounded by a positive, hard working but fun vibe, then go to Rochester Independent College.
A rigorous testing regime in the sixth form informs teachers’ planning and promotes examination success. Students’ attitudes to their work and learning are exemplary. The warmth and relaxed college atmosphere give students the confidence to participate in lessons without fear of being labelled a failure.
Pupils have a well-developed aesthetic and cultural awareness. Achievements in the visual and creative arts are excellent.
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One thing that makes RIC different is the attitude to subject choice. Picking up something new is encouraged - try different classes to find the best fit. RIC excels at helping students find their stride before moving on to higher education.
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RIC was very different from my secondary school. I went from being in classes of 30 to classes of 8, which makes such a difference. The teachers are very friendly and try to give you any extra help you need. The best aspect was the atmosphere. Everything felt so relaxed and I could do my work in a way that suited me best. Without the teachers’ support, I wouldn’t have done as well