Inspection and accreditation

RIC’s accreditations & inspection reports
The most important measure of the College’s success is the number of ex-students who keep in touch and return for regular reunions. Most of our students come to us through personal recommendation.
Like all schools we are inspected by a range of independent bodies who provide regular and objective checks on the quality of the education we provide.
Independent school accreditations
Rochester Independent College is accredited by the ISC (Independent Schools Council) and a member of the ISA (Independent Schools Association) and CIFE (the professional association of independent sixth form colleges). RIC is a Good Schools Guide School.
Boarding school accreditations
We are members of the Boarding Schools Association and AEGIS, the Association for the Education and Guardianship of International Students as well as The British Boarding Schools Network.
RIC inspection reports
The College's last compliance inspection from the ISI was in January 2023 and the report can be read here.
Rochester Independent College’s last full inspection covering both educational quality and compliance was in November 2018.
The quality of student achievement, academic and otherwise was judged to be ‘good’ and the quality of personal development ‘excellent’.
Inspection report highlights
Pupils’ achievements in the visual and creative arts are excellent.
Pupils are engaged in lessons and have excellent rapport with their teachers and peers.
Nearly all pupils develop excellent communication skills appropriate for their age.
Pupils have a positive attitude towards learning.
Pupils show high levels of self-understanding. They flourish as they become more confident because staff encourage them at all stages and provide very high levels of pastoral care.
Pupils are confident in discussions on a range of academic topics.
Pupils adapt readily to new situations and are flexible in their approach to their education.
Pupils have a well-developed aesthetic and cultural awareness. Relationships between pupils are totally inclusive, creating a harmonious community of day and boarding pupils.
Behaviour is generally of a very high standard. In the pre-inspection questionnaire responses almost all of the pupils agreed that the school expects them to behave well.
Pupils said in interview that they are very much at ease with each other spiritually as a result of the inclusive nature of the school.
Pupils both respect and value the diversity in the school community and benefit from opportunities to learn about and celebrate other cultures in response to the school’s aim to foster respect, challenge prejudice and develop an imaginative and informed attitude.
The school fulfils its aim to enable pupils who have not necessarily had a successful experience in their education previously to reach the further education course of their choice. Most pupils gain entry to university, including to some with high entry requirements.
In the 2023 Compliance Report the College was found to be fully compliant with all the following regulatory requirements met and no further action required:
Quality of education provided
Spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of pupils
Welfare, health and safety of pupils
Suitability of staff, supply staff and proprietors
Premises of and accommodation at schools
Provision of information
Manner in which complaints are handled
Quality of leadership in and management of schools
All reports can be read at the ISI website: www.isi.net.