
It's 40 years since the College was founded by Brian Pain and Simon de Belder.
1984 was the year the first Apple computer went on sale, launched during the Super bowl by Ridley Scott’s Orwell inspired advert. O levels and CSEs had yet to be scrapped and replaced by GCSEs. Students filled in UCCA and PCAS forms by hand rather than using UCAS online. The Smiths played at UKC. Martin Amis and Milan Kundera- who both died last year- published landmark novels in 1984- Money and The Unbearable Lightness of Being. Prince Philip visited Rochester to inspect the improved pedestrianised high street and Malcolm Morley won the first Turner Prize. Brian and Simon's small tuition centre, still known to many locally by its original name of Rochester Tutors, has grown since 1984 into a day and boarding school with 380 students on roll from the age of 11. The College's unofficial mascot continues to be the ubiquitous Flying Pig.
We are always keen to involve those who have known us and, hopefully benefited from what we have provided in the past. We are interested in receiving updates from former students- and staff- about their post-RIC lives- and of course welcoming you at College.
Please join the RIC Alumni group on Linkedin here.

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