Changing faces
The College was founded by Maths teachers Brian Pain and Simon de Belder. In 1984 Brian visits Rochester on the Lady of the Lea sailing barge and finds the most derelict Georgian building he could to start a school.
He then talks the bank manager into lending him and Simon £40,000 and so Rochester Tutors as the College was then known and is still often referred to as locally is born with a grand student roll of 6.
The simple representation of a Thames Sailing Barge set within Rochester Castle was our official logo for much of the time the College has been in existence.
The College has grown since it started in one house-25 Star Hill- and now occupies 14, mostly listed buildings. Not only do all these acquisitions make sense in creating a connected campus they also surround sufficient land to allow the creation of a very pleasant city garden, a wonderfully civilized environment with a unique sense of place in which to live, work and study.