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Supporting students

Rochester college 4

At RIC our pastoral care and student support systems are as highly structured as our teaching.

When asked what makes RIC special and work so well, our students and parents often mention the rapport with teachers and the one-to-one support received throughout their time with us, whether they join in year 7 or on a short retake course. 

Our safeguarding, learning support, counselling, boarding and medical staff work as a team alongside the academic staff to look after carefully each student who joins the RIC community. 

Our distinctive approach means more than simply recognising everyone as unique. It is about being listened to in the classroom and being given confidence to speak out. Harriet Bagshawe, who has her first-choice place at Durham to read Anthropology attributes much of her success to well-supported individual freedom at RIC: “Help is always available if you need it. I lost count of the number of times I was able to have extra lessons.” 

Parents recognise that this confidence-boosting approach also fosters motivation. “My son moved from his grammar school after the first year of A levels, changed subjects, and achieved A*AC on a one-year course” said one parent. “RIC delivers what other schools can’t. Its unique blend of expert tuition, student engagement, constant focus on the application of knowledge and feedback with continuous communication from tutors, all lead to a level of motivation to succeed that delivers results.” 

Lower school

Our students frequently comment that they have never been happier at school. Their academic success and personal and social development follows naturally from this. A supportive team of tutors ensures that all students are seen regularly on an individual basis as well as twice daily in form time to monitor their academic and social progress.

Sixth form

Academic progress and personal welfare is closely monitored by Directors of Studies. All have fortnightly individually timetabled meetings with their tutor to discuss progress. Morning registration is daily in sixth form. 

Our teaching and pastoral staff are pro active, identifying where students are having difficulties and offering practical help, solutions and encouragement.

Tutors file regular reports on students and these are emailed to parents giving constant feedback. An end of term report should never contain surprises for either students or their parents. The College operates an ‘open door’ policy and parents feel free to come and see, telephone or email Personal Tutors and the Principal to discuss any issue concerning them.


Our boarding staff live on site and are available 24/7 to monitor and support students, helping with any needs or concerns.

As well as looking after academic needs everyone at RIC is committed to ensuring everyone is kept happy, healthy, safe and well fed. 

Staff ensure new students from overseas are picked up from the airport, welcomed and shown around Rochester and the College. They are introduced to current students who act as friends and buddies on first arrival. The start of term barbecue in the College gardens is always a popular event in the first week of term. We help with all the practical details of becoming a student in the UK such as opening a bank account and using public transport.

Our nurse ensures that all students register locally with a doctor and have access to medical care and students also have access to an independent listener.