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DofE, debating, clubs, sport, drama, music and awesome trips

Extra curricular life

Students on a school trip

Putting the extra into the curricular at RIC

RIC is all about helping students find their passion and pursue it with gusto. Whether you're into sports, drama, music, or something completely off the wall, RIC offers a wide range of clubs, societies, trips and activities to help you geek out or spread your wings and fly.

An active Student Council helps run many of the social activities and clubs at RIC. Viviana from Italy says: “I made more friends more quickly and from a broader range of people because I was on the Student Council, which was a really great opportunity to meet loads of different people that I otherwise would not have spoken to, let alone made such good friends with. Student Council was also a really good way to improve my English. And I am proud of being able to help get a very popular and well-used pool table added to the boarding common room. And to be able to organise the Prom which was great fun because I was so happy to be able to make other people happy.”

RIC debates

“Time spent arguing is, oddly enough, almost never wasted.” said Christopher Hitchens in ‘Letters to a Young Contrarian.’ Our debating teams at RIC are a lively and spirited bunch, this year reaching the finals of the annual English Speaking Union’s Schools' Mace competition at Dartmouth House in London. 

It's the oldest and largest schools' debating competition in the UK. There were around 400 schools participating in the championship, including from the grammar and independent sector. 

RIC students also celebrated this year winning the CIFE sixth form colleges quiz championship. 

Their prize was high tea at Westminster hosted in parliament by a real life lord of the realm! 

Join the club @RIC

“Mini golf, orienteering, basketball, netball, football, quidditch, korfball and softball are all offered. Dodgeball hugely popular, with school recently shortlisted for British Dodgeball Secondary School Awards. Pupils also enjoy the ‘fun’ annual multi-skills sports festival. Links with local sports clubs important – one pupil name checked Medway Rugby Club and said that without the school’s and club’s support, would never have got involved in rugby. Pupils congregate in the MUGA (multi-use games area) onsite for kick arounds or shooting hoops - sometimes lessons too. Well-equipped onsite gym too.” Good Schools Guide 

Aesthetes rather than athletes or just the non- sporty refusniks needn’t worry, there’s also a lot on offer at RIC apart from sport from chess to yoga, to life drawing, pottery and  debating, as well as our film club, social justice club, LGBTQ+ club, dungeons and dragons and the student led philosophy society.

Trips to London’s theatreland

At RIC, we think it’s important that our students are given plenty of opportunities to take part in educational visits and excursions, including theatre performances; they play a vital role in providing our students with a well-rounded and fulfilling educational experience. Evening theatre trips open to all over the last year have included-

-Trafalgar Theatre for Sam Holcroft’s ‘A Mirror’ starring Jonny Lee Miller -Cabaret at the KitKatClub with Jake Shears and Rebecca Lucy Fraser -Dancing at Lughnasa at the National starring RIC parent Tom Vaughan-Lawlor -Romeo and Juliet at the Almeida -A Strange Loop at the Barbican -Mnemonic by Complicite at the National -Edward Scissorhands at Sadler's Wells -Stranger Things at the Phoenix Theatre -Punchdrunk’s The Burnt City in Woolwich -Little Big Things at Soho Place -Hamilton, Mamma Mia and Six -Spirited Away at the ENO - Swan Lake at the Royal Opera- My Neighbour Totoro at the Barbican 


DofE is flourishing at RIC. 182 hours of volunteering were completed by RIC DofE students last year with a societal value of £875. In the students’ own words, highlights from last year’s silver expedition were:
“My navigation was on point.”
“Dieko is the MVP.”   “I COMPLETED IT!” “It’s home time now.“ 

This May our silver students had a wonderful weekend in the beautiful Ashdown Forest, home to Winnie the Pooh. Their assessors were very impressed with their teamwork, resilience, and fantastic attitude throughout the 3 days. Over the 3 days, students covered in excess of 50km, each carrying their food rations and camping gear to be fully self-sufficient. They learnt valuable outdoors experience and have made memories to last a lifetime. Including seeing incredible star constellations, how to make the perfect s'more, and persevering through torrential rain on the final day. We're thrilled that all students passed their expedition section and have been recommended for Gold.

RIC around the world

Lost in translation

In Japan our sixth formers caught a Shinkansen or bullet train between Tokyo and Kyoto. Ewan and Ivan measured 241and 282 km/h respectively on their phones. We hung out with the Tiktokers of Harajuko, spotted the famous Shibuya cat and visited TeamLab Planets - a museum where you can walk through water and be in a garden becoming one with the flowers. We had a sunny walk to the Hokusai Museum admiring dramatic architecture, world famous woodcuts and gaining a fascinating insight into the life and works of Japanese ukiyo-e artist and a visit to OTO gallery for the ‘How is Life’ exhibition. It posed the question: How can architecture change society? Other highlights included Ueno Park, Asakusa Senso-ji Temple and seeing the northern lights from the plane window while reading Murakami on our return journey.

Heading North

Our Lower School residential this year explored the great Northern powerhouse cities of Liverpool and Manchester. 

First up was a visit to the Merseyside Maritime Museum and a famous Ferry trip, students were excited to spot the new Everton Football Stadium ahead of our visit to Manchester United. 

It wasn't all football, with a lunch time visit to the Imperial War Museum, students saw exhibitions and real stories of war from WW1 to the present day.

Quote of the day from Will in Y10 "this is the best trip that I've been on at RIC".

Roman holiday

Our students enjoyed a Roman educational holiday over the Easter break with ruins, art, pizza and piazzas. 

Closer to home artistically our students have this year visited the V&A, the Sarah Lucas exhibition at the V&A, Unravel: The Power and Politics of Textiles in Art at the Barbican, Legion: life in the Roman army at the British Museum and a street art tour in Shoreditch.

Nordic adventuring

An intrepid trip of RIC students headed to Sweden this year. 

We spent an afternoon at the Ice Hotel, an opportunity to learn about the building process and view the artists work in various rooms. 

Highlights included A day of ice climbing and cross country skiing in Bjorkliden. Our cultural trip to Kiruna started with some time at Husky Home. Here, students took part in 3 different activities: traditional Lapland team building games, creating fire in the snow and husky sledging.

Lost in France

After last year’s trip to Cornwall, seventy two Lower School students and seven members of staff successfully arrived in France for the annual residential. 

Activities included a visit to The Musée de La Coupole and The Planetarium, exploring the Desvres Market and visiting Boulangerie d’Escoeuilles and L’Escargotiere du Choquel. 

Plus a bit of beach life in Boulogne where, in 1905, the world’s first Esperanto congress was held. Esperanto is one of the few MFLs that are not taught here at RIC

Amazing India

Nehru described India as "an ancient palimpsest on which layer upon layer of thought and reverie had been inscribed, and yet no succeeding layer had completely hidden or erased what had been written previously." Mark Twain said: "India is the cradle of the human race, the birthplace of human speech, the mother of history, the grandmother of legend, and the great grand mother of tradition.

RIC sixth form students will have the opportunity in 2025 to travel to and explore amazing India on our most ambitious international art and design focussed overseas adventure yet. 

Le Corbusier in Chandigarh, Lutyens in Delhi, a tiger safari, the Golden Triangle and the Golden Temple.