
Test driving dream careers
We’re excited to announce another good reason to join RIC and help you find your professional direction. We partnering with Dukes Education’s InvestIN, offering a range of immersive career experiences, and hands-on workshops alongside top industry professionals. InvestIN offers students a chance to experience of their dream career before they’ve even left school, with exclusive insider advice on how to succeed. They help students to choose their future direction with confidence and fully maximise their potential.
Industry-leading professionals design every InvestIN experience, guiding students through authentic career simulations, interactive activities, inspiring site visits, personalised career guidance and networking opportunities.
InvestIN provide RIC students in Years 10 and 12 with a bespoke careers curriculum and a certificate of career-readiness. Students will choose a full day of interactive career simulations which take place on Sundays during term-time. Nineteen different career experiences are offered in the following fields:
- Medicine
- Law
- Investment Banking
- Engineering
- Psychology
- Forensic Science
- Software Engineering
- Art
- Architecture
- Dentistry
- Entrepreneurship
- Fashion
- Filmmaking
- International Development
- Journalism
- Politics
- Vet
- Video Game Design
- Writing
Students also take part in assessment days held at RIC, Demystifying one of the most daunting parts of graduate recruitment. These days allow students to understand how to ace your group tasks and psychometric tests across a range of industries as well as gain experience in problem solving and teamwork.
Careers education in the RIC Lower School
In our Lower School, Careers education is an integral part of our PHSE programme. The college offers a planned programme of careers education, information and guidance for all students which is appropriate to their age, stage, ability and educational needs.
We are particularly keen to challenge gender or cultural stereotypes when it comes to presenting particular career paths to students.
We use the Unifrog platform and the Gatsby Framework within the college to support students to make the best choices about their future. In the Lower School the PSHE programme from Jigsaw contains units that explicitly look at personal economic competence and understanding of the purpose and uses of money.
To find out what one is fitted to do, and to secure an opportunity to do it, is the key to happiness.