Governing body
Our Governors
Dukes Education Group Ltd is the Propietor of Rochester Independent College.
The Chairman of Dukes Education Ltd is Mr Aatif Hassan.
The Governors of Rochester Independent College are:
Aatif Hassan (Chair), Tim Fish (CEO, Dukes Education), Jonathan Cuff (Managing Director, Safeguarding Governor).
The Governors have appointed three Delegated Officers to support the Governing body, these are Rob Humphreys (Chief Finance and Operating Officer), Paul Ludlow (Regulatory and Compliance Director) and Neil Roskilly (Independent Advisor to the Governing Body).
The Governors may be contacted at:
Dukes Education Ltd
Dukes House, 58 Buckingham Gate, London, SW1E 6AJ.
+44 (0) 203 696 5300
E aatif.hassan@dukeseducation.com or tim.fish@dukeseducation.com
Rochester Independent College Ltd. Company number 08504140