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Kent Private School

3 Year 7 2022

Transition from year 6 to year 7

We all go through stages of transition in our lives, whether that be between jobs, moving home or in our relationships with each other. Stepping up from primary to secondary can be one of the biggest of these. For many it is the first time we take responsibility for ourselves: checking homework diaries, packing the right books, finding the right lesson, getting ourselves too and from school. The primary education system builds up organisational and social skills with structured routines and a nurturing environment. Stepping into a secondary school can often then feel chaotic, confusing and scary by comparison. 

Here at RIC we aim to bridge these two worlds.

Our objective with Year 7 is to provide a nurturing environment that encourages our students to step out of their comfort zones, establish new relationships and develop their independence. It is important to recognise that our students are individuals and will each have different interests and priorities. We ensure that students feel comfortable discussing their worries and successes with staff. Whilst simultaneously put systems in place to enable students to adjust to their new environment, routines and expectations. This transition is not time-bound, some make the adjustment rapidly, whereas for others it can be an ongoing process with many peaks and troughs. Throughout this process communication is key, between the form tutor and teachers, students and parents. 

Kent secondary school applications - how to find the right school

Have you got a child entering their last year of primary school? 

Do you now face the daunting task of finding a secondary school place both you and they will be happy with? 


Leighton Bright, Vice Principal at Rochester Independent College, shares some advice for families facing secondary school selection:

To enable any child to thrive at school it is vital that they feel like a valued part of the school community; that they are not simply a number on a spreadsheet or a name on a database. At Rochester Independent College, for example our students and teachers enjoy a truly unique relationship – both are on first name terms and there is a relaxed dress code, which breaks down some of the barriers commonly found in schools between adults and children. A good teacher will strive to teach the individual rather than the class. In this atmosphere of mutual respect, students are made to feel comfortable when stretching their academic potential and are not afraid to make mistakes in their work.

The transition from primary to secondary school can be a daunting time for parents and children alike with the approach of September sometimes causing much anxiety and uncertainty. Locally, the added complication of the 11+ can complicate these decisions. There are now more grammar school places for children in Kent than ever with a record 32% of Year 7 children starting in these selective schools this month. Parents are faced with a range of choices, both state and independent, selective and non-selective. It’s important you and your child have a look around the schools available to get a feel for the environment within which they will potentially spend the next seven years of their education. Whilst formally arranged open events are useful, it’s a great idea to have a look around potential schools during a normal day; this will ensure that you get a true reflection of the atmosphere and learning environment, rather than a stage-managed and potentially misleading picture.

Think about the values which are important to you and your family and ask yourself if the school shares these values.

Does the school still offer the subjects, creative as well as academic ones, we as parents took for granted a few (or more) years ago?Academic results are of course important, but should not be the sole basis upon which your decision is made. There are many schools in Kent which achieve good exam results, but many parents are also looking for a focus on student well-being and happiness. We all perform better and work harder when we are happy, engaged and motivated; these feelings and emotions are as important in an educational environment as they are in the work place.

Not all schools suit all children; everyone is an individual and should be treated as such. Children who want to get out of bed and go to school in the morning are in the right place!

Children have joined year 7 at RIC in recent years from schools including St Andrew's Rochester, Cobham Primary, Steep Hill, Delce Academy, King's Rochester, Trinity School Rochester, Sutton Valence Prep, Bryony School, Gad's Hill , Bishop Challoner, Solefield, St Joseph's Convent, Discovery School.